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Naviance Naviance Student Login Link
Career Portfolio and Naviance
All students are expected to develop and maintain a career portfolio throughout high school. The career portfolio includes resources and activities that are designed to guide students in choosing a career by considering the following: Who am I? Where am I going? and How do I get there? Many of the career portfolio activities will be completed using Naviance as a comprehensive career-readiness and college planning platform. This program is accessible in school and at home at or by using the Naviance link on the drop down tab under guidance. Students log in using their Powerschool username and password. Students should follow the instructions by grade level for maintaining their career portfolio.
Grade 9:
Click on Careers, About Me, and My Planner to become familiar with navigating information in each tab – look for assigned tasks to complete in My Planner
Enter academic, career, and personal goals (About Me)
Enter journal entries ex. graduation project (My Planner)
Click My assessments and complete the career assessments ( Strengths Explorer, Career Interest Profiler, and Cluster Finder)
Select and review career(s) of interest and watch career videos (Careers)
Be sure to explore the various websites listed on the guidance webpage under the Career and Post-secondary Planning link for additional career resources. The site by the U.S. Dept. of Labor and Bureau of Labor Statistics at is exceptional in providing extensive career profiles and information about the U.S. job market.
Grades 10-11-12:
Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 should continue to use the success planning, career planning and college planning platforms in Naviance given their goals, interests, and needs. All students should continue to use the resources in Careers, About Me, and My Planner to analyze and revise their individualized career portfolio with career goals. Students should carefully review their high school educational plan with ongoing development of their portfolio. Students planning post-secondary education should also make progressive use of the resources in the Colleges tab.
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